Stage 32 Certifications

Some info for fellow creatives


woman in academic gown holding red rose
woman in academic gown holding red rose

Recently Stage 32 announced their certification program. Since I did a slight overview of what Stage 32 offers at the beginning of the year, now seems like a good time for an update. As with Stage 32's other paid services, I haven't signed up for any of these classes.

The classes are taught by people working in the industry and seem to cover mostly technical positions, such as production management and grip and electric certifications. However, I see they have an upcoming Fundamentals of Directing class, so only time will tell their full range.

Individual certifications cost $300, and master courses cost anywhere between $1,500 and $3,000. Which while expensive especially, if you're a "starving artist", this is much cheaper than going to film school.

The classes are all-inclusive, and a Stage 32 certification will be recognized worldwide. Stage 32 also places certificate holders in a database for industry professionals to access.

Once it's time to take the certification test, after watching all the videos, you will have three attempts to complete it. If you do not pass your test with 85% or higher after three attempts, you can re-enroll in the course after 24 hours and try again, though you will need to re-purchase the course.

Are you interested in taking any of these courses? Have you already taken one? Share your experience with me on Twitter.

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